68 Soluble
Vitamin and Electrolyte Supplement with Probiotics, Acidifiers, Chelated Trace Minerals and Vitamins.
A nutritional supplement containing vitamins, electrolytes, essential trace vitamins, beneficial microorganisms, and other fermentation products to help maintain digestive tract in animals.
It's also a healthy source of acidifiers and probiotics to help animals resist growth of harmful intestinal bacteria such as salmonella.
68 Soluble is best for:
- Calves
- Pigs
- Goats
- Poultry
- Racing pigeons
- Exotic birds
Add to milk, milk replacers, drinking water or feed.
Directions for dosing 68 Soluble™:
Calves, Pigs, Dairy Goats: 1 Tbsp Daily mix in milk, milk replacer or drinking water.
Baby Goats: 1 tsp Daily mix with milk, milk replacer or drinking water.
Racing Pigeons and Exotic Birds: 1 tsp per quart of clean drinking water daily.