The Chinese Chestnut Tree (Castanea mollissima) is blight resistant and quickly gaining popularity as the American chestnut struggles with disease. The sweet-tasting nuts are often roasted for holiday eating and have been made famous in turkey stuffing recipes across the country. But this is more than a nut tree. The shade of its spreading canopy is dense, providing relief in the hot, dry climates the Chinese chestnut does well in. We always recommend planting any fruit or nut tree in pairs or groups to ensure pollination. The Chinese Chestnut Tree will produce nuts within 4-5 years and yields a ripened nut crop mid/late September through October. A prickly 2–3½" seed husk encloses 1-4 nuts. The nuts are large, meaty, crisp, and sweet, although less sweet than American chestnuts. While the chestnuts are valuable for human consumption, they are also valuable as food for wildlife. This tree grows at a slow to medium rate, with height increases of anywhere from less than 12" to 24" per year.
WIDTH: 40-60'
What you are purchasing is a Chinese Chestnut Tree, at a size of your choosing. Handle with care.