Thai Pumpkin
Thai Name: Fak Tong
Have you ever wondered if a pumpkin is a fruit or a vegetable? There are a number of fruits or vegetables that some people are unsure of. Especially in countries like Thailand where you will find that they use vegetables that we would consider only for dinners, in desserts. The classic example is the tomato, I'm sure if you search the internet you will find lots of debate on whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable.
A fruit is defined botanically by having a ripened ovary together with seeds, and a pumpkin fits this description. So a pumpkin must be a fruit right? I’m afraid it's not that easy. In a scientific sense the yes the pumpkin is a vegetable, but in a culinary sense pumpkins a lots of other 'fruits' are referred to as 'vegetables'.
In Thailand they use the pumpkin in quite a few very sweet desserts. A common Thai dessert using pumpkin is 'Thai Pumpkin Custard' or 'Sangkhaya Fak Thong' in Thai. It is reasonably easy to make this dessert, all you need do is mix together some salt, eggs, sugar, and cream of coconut and pour the mixture into the pumpkin. Steam the pumpkin until it's cooked and the mixture inside is ready and you're done!
As well being used for desserts in Thailand, pumpkin is also used in main dishes. It seems the more versatile a fruit or vegetable then the more popular it becomes in countries like Thailand. Thai food is a great mix of sweet, salty and spicy taste and sometimes you will find all three in the one meal.
Things like curry can be a very good example of this with a mixture of vegetables, like pumpkin and some fruits to sweeten it mixed with the spice element of the curry itself can have an amazing effect on your taste buds.
Best stored at room temperature
Fresh produce from Thailand.