Dr.Nuzum's Gut Health is a combination of plant-based digestive enzymes and probiotics supplement. Gut Health is designed to enable the digestive system to begin to function correctly once again by efficiently breaking down the food we consume. Gut Health is a balanced formula of protein-digesting Protease, fat-digesting Lipase, and carbohydrate-digesting Amylase.
Along with supportive probiotic microorganisms from the Lactobacillus family (Acidophilus, Casei, and Plantarum), Gut Health is designed to get the gut functioning properly again.
Proper nutrition and gut health are paramount to a healthy and functional digestive tract, which is key to the absorption of nutrients. The healthy gut that absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients will lead to greater overall health.
Gut Health helps:
- This formula focuses on the beginning sections of the digestive tract, stomach and small intestine. Gut Health is a must If you struggle with gas, acid indigestion, sluggish bowels, and bloating
- Assist in the digestion of food (especially cooked food which is devoid of enzymes) Replenish the microbiome with key probiotic microbes lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, and the SBO Lactobacillus Plantarum Enhance the gut pH, enabling the gut to absorb alkali minerals such as Bicarbonate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium which alkalize our tissues (if we don't absorb them from our food, it is nearly impossible to alkalize our tissues)
- Promote healthy immunity
Suggested Use: Take 1 to 2 capsules daily with partially cooked meals and 3 capsules with fully cooked meals, or as directed by your physician.
- What does alkalize our tissues mean, and why is it important? Alkaline tissues have a higher pH, and when our tissues are alkaline, they are more resistant to disease and deterioration. Is this similar to a probiotic? Yes, this is a probiotic that also has digestive enzymes to assist in the process of cleaning up and healing the gut.
- Are there other supplements that would enhance this one and improve gut health? Oh yes! Any or all of these are great: Black Brew, Super Earth Energy, Equalizer concentrate, Nuzum’s Digest, and Ful-Biotic.
- What other things can I do to improve my gut health? Eating more wholefoods and a clean, organic diet. Choose plant based foods as often as possible. Decrease or eliminate inflammatory foods such as processed foods, fried foods, and processed sugar. Increasing hydration, along with general exercise are essential too.